Registration now open for AUGUST !

Course Dates
  • Accelerated

SQL Course: Beginner

  • Weekend

In 2 intensive days, gain all the skills of an SQL expert. Learn to query and analyse data, apply your knowledge to solve exercises, and exhibit a completed case study.

16 hours

2 days

60 exercises

1 case study



Why is SQL Important?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language used to manage data within relational databases. Its simple syntax and powerful functions facilitates the processing of large quantities of structured data into usable information. Originally designed in the 1970s by IBM, today SQL is the most widely adopted language for use in databases.

Course Info

Why Learn SQL?


Universally used

In use for over 40 years and adopted by every major company, SQL is the universal language for databases.

trending up

Development prospects

Learn the fundamentals of accessing and manipulating data. These core concepts are common across all data languages.


Valuable skill

SQL is seen as a core skill by many employers. A basic understanding will help increase your standing in a competitive industry.

Why Study with Logytic?


Relevant exercises

Focused on using real-world case studies and data. Skills are immediately implementable.


Practical skills

Not just learning code, understand the underlying concepts and learn to apply them in problem solving situations.


Exceptional quality

Structured course content, designed by industry professionals to deliver the maximum value. High quality printed material that can be used by students as a reference for continued development.

Course Syllabus

What the course covers?

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for individuals with no prior experience with SQL.

What is provided?
  • Coursebook – printed book including examples, exercises, and case study
  • Cheatsheet – reference for important clauses and operators
  • Setup Guide – instructions for setting up a database environment
  • Instructor – presentation and guidance from an experienced professional
  • Training Room – equipped with TV/projector and kitchenette facilities
What should I bring?
  • Laptop – Windows or Mac, capable of running PostgreSQL
  • Lunch – optional, as we are located close to a variety of food options

This module introduces the core concepts of SQL. Start exploring data by writing basic queries.

  • Topic 1 – Understanding data
  • Familiarise yourself with SQL by understanding queries, it’s structure and clauses such as SELECT or LIMIT to navigate in your database
  • Topic 2 – Filtering data
  • Learn how to filter rows with WHERE to focus on the information you need
  • Topic 3 – Analysing groups
  • Learn how to summarise data with the GROUP BY clause
  • Topic 4 – Joining tables
  • Learn how to see and analyse data existent in more than one table

This module evolves the core concepts, through the use of complex queries and specialised operations.

  • Topic 1 – Concatenation
  • Learn how to combine values from more than one column
  • Topic 2 – Arithmetic operations
  • Learn how to do basic mathematical functions in SQL
  • Topic 3 – Conditions
  • Learn how to write more complex queries based on conditions
  • Topic 4 – Nested queries
  • Learn how to combine multiple queries at once
  • Topic 5 – Common expressions
  • Learn to write queries that can be re-used multiple times

This module focuses on data storage through databases, which is a foundation of data engineering.

  • Topic 1 – Database Structure
  • Learn basic concepts of relational database and how it interacts with SQL
  • Topic 2 – Data Definition Language
  • Learn how to create, modify, and delete tables
  • Topic 3 – Data Modelling Language
  • Learn how to add, modify and delete rows
  • Topic 4 – Database Navigation
  • Learn how to find information in your database using schemas

This module focuses on solving a real life case study prepared by our industry experts. Start applying your newly acquired SQL skills to solve problems based on real datasets. Present your findings to your peers and instructor to receive feedback.

Practice makes perfect – After completing your course we will advise you on further steps to reach your goals and develop your knowledge in the data world.

Next Steps

How does it work?


Sign up

Book a course now, to reserve your spot in the classroom.


Get ready

Receive your confirmation email, with any required setup or preparation.



Show up on the day, and become proficient in using data.

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Next available courses…

SQL Course: Beginner

Course details…

  • Time
    0900 to 1700 Saturday and Sunday.
  • Learning Mode
    In-person (please contact us to attend sessions virtually).
  • Required Items
    Laptop (Windows or Mac) with completed setup.
  • Location
    Melbourne CBD – Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane.
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