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1. paradigm of using data to make strategic and aware decisions.
the business greatly increased their sales by using data logytically.

1. name of awesome educational company that focuses on practical and implementable skills rather than theory.
oh wow! I have never learnt as much as with Logytic!
2. made up word, because every other business name we could think of was taken.

from Greek logos ‘word, reason, plan’ and analytika ‘science of analysis’.

Our Story


A specific need…

Logytic was created as a response to a lack of suitable training in data and analytics. Although there are a significant number of courses, frustratingly none of them support the needs of businesses or individuals.

Nowadays, companies are becoming increasingly overloaded with data. Unfortunately it is not always obvious how to make use of this information.

Our Difference

Finding a solution…

Properly used, data can help to increase sales, reduce costs, and optimise processes. With proper training, businesses can take full advantage of their data’s potential.

At the same time, excited individuals who want to work with data and solve interesting problems are bombarded with theory without any real-world application. Ideally courses should be structured around problem solving and technical skills that can be immediately implemented in a business setting.

We decided to address the issues with current courses and provide a better alternative. Our purpose is to help businesses and individuals become more effective through the proper utilisation of data.

Our Principles
To achieve this we designed a course framework that embraces the following…

Quality is better than quantity

Courses must be clear and concise.

Practical is better than theoretical

Focus on learning outcomes through the use of real-world case studies.

Solutions outweigh the tools used

Critical thinking and problem solving are the real skills, coding is simply a tool employed in the process.

Understanding is better than knowing

Concepts are a platform that can be built upon or transferred, this is infinitely more valuable than memorising lines of code.

Although utility beats abstraction…

Ideas are only as valuable as their real world application, even a moderate solution has more value than an idea that can’t be implemented.

Value always

Cost is always a consideration – courses must represent value for money.

Want to talk to us about using data in your business?

Get in touch now to learn more